Saturday, December 5, 2009

What a Saturday

Last night I had the most frightening dream ever. I can not utter the words. This week, I didn't get much sleep because of the basketball all around, so last night's sleep was much needed for Felicia Inc. I was supposed to go to the gym but that didn't happen. I must go tomorrow! I really hope soccer starts next week. I need to get back in the swing of things.

Jerryd Bayless Blogg

One thing that was awe sticking to me today was Jerryd Bayless's blog. His blog is very well written. I know some will probably disagree but it is better than GA's blog. The stories actually have meaning and they make you think. I can top him though. He uses his life's experiences and turns them as learning experiences for his life. That's what my blog does too.

It has been a little more than a year, but I finally finished Love endures Part 2

Love your neighbor as yourself is the greatest commandment because. When we love others we do not hurt then premeditatedly. We give love even when they don't give love back. Love is patient. It waits for the right time. It loves even in the loveless times. In Romans 13:, Paul tells us the greatest commandment , "Love your neighbor as yourself.” When loving is hard will you be able to love. Even when wronged, we should still remember those words, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” In this commandment is all of the other commandments. If you wronged some one, you would want that person to forgive you and move on and for get it. However, so many time people say “I can never forgive him/her. True love is unconditional. When we understand Christ’s love, we can truly understand how to love others. In this situation, we must remember Christ and how He loved us even when we were at enmity with Him. Luke 6:28 tell us to pray for those who do us wrong (Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.) If that isn’t love, tell me what is. Real love is relentless as Christ was relentless in saving the world! Love is forgiveness. True forgiveness is not keeping what that person did in the back of your mind. It is letting it go. It loves even those who don’t get it. It loves when it hurts sometimes. It loves in spite of. It loves even it is being wronged or accused wrongfully. When we love others, people can see Christ’s love shine through us. It is HIS love that makes us want to be better people. If those who wrong you see your love they will strive for the same. Let God handle those who have wronged you. He’ll love them until the hell comes out of them.

This particular one has a life experience of my own. Yesterday, I had to learn that it is not about what people think but only what GOD knows. GOD will never accuse me wrongfully and he know the Truth. I had to forgive some on about a month ago even though it was super hard. I even though I said I forgave him I didn't really 100% forgive him at that moment. Eventually, I had to realize that all of us make mistakes and that is one that he made. I can't let people walk over me like I am a rug in the middle of a crowded hall way, however, I must forgive because that is what Christ did for me. I must forgive. To be Christ like we must forgive. When we forgive, we allow people to see the Christ shining through us . By forgiving we love those who use us wrongfully. We must pray for those who despitefully use us. It is hard though at some times but Christ loved us even when it was hard. HE died and rose for us. When we love, we let GOD handle our situation. We should pray for them because they need a Savior just like we did and now have. That is real love, love personified.

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