Monday, December 14, 2009

11 days til Christmas

Today was cool seeing the halls no where near crowded how a school should be instead of over crowded like a mouse hang out spot. AD was pretty sweet. We talked about some weird people of the literature in AD books. I spent most of the time in Mrs. Young's class in the gym helping out Coach Carter. We vacuumed and we sorted out her office and some STD pamphlets for her wellness class. We made a pretty cool song to go along with it,
Syphilis, Gonoria, and Aids will leave you itching like a monkay!
It is supposed to keep people from premarital sex.

Third block was very interesting. I talked to Robert and Tanisha through much of the first part. The other girls decided after they brought Radio in to play the infamous game "Never have I Ever". I was the only girl that wasn't playing. Robert, nosy about their lives and itching for an embarrassing secret, listened in on their game. There were some wide questions that I did not really need to hear and answers that I did not want to her either. As I sat there I thought, " Why do guys go for girls that are wrapped up into promiscuity when they should go for girls that are wrapped in Christ?" "Why do people in general go for those that are wrapped in promiscuity when they should go for the one who is wrapped in Christ. Vaguely, I knew the answer to this staggering hurtful question. Tyler had told me that he was surprised that I didn't give in to the peer pressure even though he knows the type of person I am, a Christian. What a privilege to be called a Christian. I sat their until lunch and then talked to Tyler until the class was done.

In English 3 honors we presented our islands. Travis, of course, was no esta aqui. He was going to suffer for that because we have a placement test for AD this week and he doesn't know the material. Tyler and Amanda got a little closer. He should be really careful. He keeps saying how much he loves Megan but I try to tell him just because you say you love some one a million times it doesn't mean that you actually do that much, that really and truthfully tell how much you love some one and that you are going to be together forever after only 5 months and at the age that we are at, and to be careful without actually saying it. Time will reveal. Love is not just in speaking but also in actions.

You don't need to rush a thing and be content in the timing that GOD has for your life. Everything will happen in its season. God has purposed everything for a specific season. Your time will come. Those that wait upon the Lord, He said your strength will be renewed.

It's good to wait. Waiting for maturing brings maturity. Rushing everything only shows how immature you really are. Wisdom says wait but foolishness says go with the flow even when the flow is flowing in the wrong direction, hell. Go against the grain sometimes. Do something that hurts your flesh. Love a little harder, forgive.

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