Sunday, December 27, 2009

Analyze and Apply to Life: Jesus Was Tempted

In Matt 4: 1-11 the Spirit sent Jesus to the desert to be tempted. Jesus was asked questions by the devil

"If you are the Son of God. . .
" tell those rocks to turn into bread. "

"jump down, because it is written in the scriptures , 'He has put


Retrospective: No Sabes Quando,

December 17, 2009

At the age of 26, Chris Henry dies after an altercation with his fiance . Henry had 3 young children and had just broken his arm. Henry had his share of turmoil including arrests and trouble with the law. Chad Ocho Cinco says he was close to Henry. Many Bengals were hurt by the loss. His team loved him many helped him grow. Many did not know the other side of Henry. The Resigning of Chris brought forth a rebirth of him and his coach wants everyone to know that he had changed.

December 20, 2009

Brittany Murphy died at the age of 32 doctors say through natural causes but it is just not natural for a 32 year old's heart to just stop working with a being able to be resuscitated. There was a contributing factor some where.

That is why we should be happy every moment of our lives and do things that we love to do and also love GOD while doing it. We can't love GOD while in sin. We can only love GOD through submitting our lives to HIM. We must first confess HIM and then live a life full of submission to JESUS!!

Birthday! Retrospect: December 20, 2009(Just my thoughts)

My Seventeenth Birthday
Finished my lesson late yesterday but it was cool! Kaeli sang a song about that Kiya wrote. The kids were rowdy as they played are you smarter than a 5th grade! They didn't however know many of the answers of the Nativity story! Shocked and appalled I listened as they yelled and screamed! I took Rhema and Rico to the other room. It was like herding sheep as Kaeli and other big kids joined. They made cards for their padres. When we were done, we went back to the sanctuary and watched veggie tales . I noticed some songs from the veggie tales CD that dad gave me. It was cool finally seeing the music come to life of sorts and seeing what was going on in the songs! The Sains sang happy birthday to me and Min Janette gave me a hug and Sis Barbra . It was heart warming almost cried ! Kerrious and I never really talk any more idk why! Anyway the Sains were the last ones to leave so we checked them out. They wanted to come home with us but I could not promise that. Genie have Margorit some food and took her home. Then we went to get some Chinerse food at No. 1 Chinese. It was closed BC we got out of church early. So we went shoe shopping. Got 2 pair but still want some boots.

My Town Madness


We got to the theater rather early. I told Racquel if I ever had a son I want him to be just like Rico.
The movie was action packed but I was uncomfortable so I couldn't get into it. For me it took a while to get going but when it did boy did it ever
Great story

After the movie, I started a new saying. 'Terrible' and 'horrible'. Kansas is going to play Cal and I said they have this one guy and they had this PG who is horrible
Christmas at Washington Celebration was not that good this year. George Lopez's opening was pretty funny! honey no as Mary J sings oh Holy Night. I did like Justin Beiber kind of. President Obama incorporated brother's keeper into speech as well as the birth of a Child

Retrospect December 21, 2009: Willie Warren Needs to Channel his inner Curry

Stephen was the NCAA's Cinderella sweet heart at Davidson College. He had to do so much for their team especially after Richards departure. He led the NCAA in scoring for two straight years and literally carried his team. This year Willie Waren is in the same position as the SoCon pro. How so you ask. Willie Warren is now assuming the position that curry did for 2 and a half years and as he was last year as starting PG

Curry led his team with little help against top ranked opponents and hard to beat foes. Curry did this with a level head, never too high or low, and a common expression on his face , common only to him and few other super stars and competitors. This unchanging deminier makes him one the best to ever lace them up! How so take Willie Waren of the
Oklahoma Sooner. Warren is now in the same position as curry was this time last year. A point guard gone makes him fit for the job of starting PG. Many athletes say that they could average 28 ppg if they were on a team like Davidson . Warren is proof that just anyone can not. Frustration is starting to become a common expression for Warren as he attempts to take his team to the next level as Curry did for Davidson. Curry's shoulders were not as Warren big as Warren's but can carry a team at will with no pressure. The two of them both had to make the transition from 2 guard to PG however Stephen did the move with grace that Warren seems to lack at times. Even through his early struggles with the Warriors , Curry kept his fight and calm deminer. Curry stayed true to his nickname the great adjuster. Curry's will to win and faithful hopeful competitive spirit keeps him and his teams moving to the next level. Curry handled every situation gracefully and never was flustered . He motivated his team through his relentless spirit and never showed a sad face. The two are diametrically different in build, explosion, and speed. This should make Warren win the prolificity battle on paper and should be averaging over 28 a game. The thing that makes curry so great is that he never got flustered in precarious situations. He rose above what was needed and expected of him and proved his haters wrong. Maybe that is why he is so much better . He didn't rely on athleticism to put him over the edge as warren does at times but worked hard to improve more than just his dunks. Maybe Paul Pierce was right in his suggestion to raise the rim three inches. It's just his mindset and morality to the game. Curry can go 0 for 6 and still lead the league in scoring. He never hangs his hand on a missed 3 but keeps trying and pushing. There is a certain peace about him that is very centered. He has a (moral value) core that is very strong. That he knows that everything will work out fine in the end. Calm. Chill. Stephen is proof that a positive attitude can change so much. Even an entire season, even an entire program.
So how could a more explosive Willie Warren be flustered against Texas El Paso?

"The Thing That Makes A Great Player Great"
John Wall has the same center ease. That is the true competitive edge, focus in hard times hope in hard times through raising the level of play

Wow (and Jerryd Bayless cont'd)

"Today is a Good Day"

Another exciting day to be thankful and grateful. It is amazing that I am so blessed. God is so merciful to me I am thankful. Today Apostle said some things, as he always does, that really hit home and were thought worthy. He talked about how some times we can have a whole movie in our thoughts. That is so true. He said that God didn't give us anything that we can not control. Even our passion, want for food and other things. That was so awesome and very convicting. We should never get to the place where you can not be convicted. That is a horrible place.

"Family Reunion who we introducing"
Yesterday we had a family reunion of sorts at Karetha's house. Her husband is so cool just like her. I think that they are so nice. I was surprised to see alcohol. I was not happy about that. I saw all of those who I had not seen before and those who I have not seen in a while. It was wierd though how our parents are so close to their cousins but I am not all close to mine. I was just thinking, when I get older we won't be able to have a reunion because we don't know anyone.
When we got home, I jumped over a couch(6:29 P.M.) trying to get to the remote. I didn't know that I was that athletic. I was off of one foot, my right foot!
"Word from the LORD"

All is well though. It was good to know that GOD is still talking to me. Yesterday my phone was not working correctly. I realized that GOD was trying to tell me that I put my phone before HIM when I wake up that I check the time before I even thank GOD for another day. I recieved it. And today Apostle was talking about how GOD used a donkey to get a message to a prophet in numbers who was putting money before GOD. It was so ironic.

Christmas Dayayayay hey hey !
Any way Christmas was super awesome. It was full of family and laughs and I didn't miss a thing. I was happy to be at home for the Holy Days and to remember JESUS's birthday and what it meant for the world. For what it meant for me! Yes the Lord spared even me!

Blazer Nation:
"Jerryd did not poison his team continued "

The next game, Jerryd had 31 points against against the Spurs in yet another astonishing win. How do they do it? It has to be nothing but the Lord.

"One of the best Christmas present of the day!"

The best game was not the Kobe / Shaq-LeBron match up, not the Heat / Knicks match up. No! It was the last game of the night, Portland vs. Denver. Jerryd Bayless just came off of a 31 point game and a start. On Christmas night, he struggled with a shot blocker in the paint and had an emphatic dunk and 8 points and 7 assists . He is one of the most explosive players in the league and also one of the most humble. He is just so thankful to play the game. In order for him to go to the next level as a super star, his play is going to have to come more consistent and also maybe his coach will have to make him the starter. That whole team is just a band of brothers and it amazes me every game they win. Jerryd's last points of the game came as he was fouled. Brandon Roy embraced him and Bayless let out a sigh that lilted "finally" and sang relief. I was so happy for him. He really is a good kid. He deserves so much more playing time and the points will come. It is customary for young players to have up and down starts like this. The key is to feed off of the good times and learn from the bad. It is not always all about how you start, but more so how you finish.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jerryd Bayless did not Poison his team

Racquel! Jerryd Bayless did not poison his team but Przybilla becomes yet another injured Trail Blazer last night rupturing is patella tedent and dislocating his right patella. This adds to their laundry list of injured players: Patty Mills, Batum, Greg Oden, Travis Outlaw, and Rudy Fernadaz(dunk contest contestant ). They pulled off the win against the Mavs by 4 in spite such a loss. Bayless had 9 and 2 in 26min.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

They Finally Went to Jerryd

Thursday was a good day for Blazer Basketball and for Jerryd Bayless. In summer league play, Jerryd Bayless averages around 29 points every game. However, in his rookie campaign he barely saw the court. Jerryd Bayless is the spokesman for,"it's not always how you start but how you finish!" I followed JB ever since I saw him in the USA team in their annual u-19 or 18 game. I followed him to Arizona few months later and on to the Blazers. Charles Barkley said something that really helped his stock," I can't believe this kid had..." not been playing.The Blazers are a gaurd heavy team. I was surprised not to see JB leave Portland after the sparing minutes. Kenny said that what he brings to the Blazer is diametrically different from the other guards because he pushes the floor and gets them in transitoin. The blazers are one of the league's lowest in transition points. That means that they don't get very easy baskets that the Celtics or the Suns would get just by touching the floor a few times. JBayless brings them easy fast break points that are much needed in the game of basketball.

Jerryd went off with 29 points. Jerryd is one of the most explosive guys in the league and it takes injury for him to get in the game. It is hard to say that the Blazers are better with all of the injuries or maybe they are just better letting JB get 28-30 min a game. Even when he doesn't score, he gets double teams that open up the floor. The injuries of other players allow the best point guard for the team to put them in the best winning position. It is not always good to have 5 different point guards( the Knicks will tell you that). I like Patty Mills, Rudy, Andre, Blake, and the other guy but come on that is just too many point guards. Jerryd is different because he is a strong stocky guard. He can match up better with NBA guards better than the other guards and his explosion matched with his shot make him very dangerous for opponents.

Monday, December 14, 2009

11 days til Christmas

Today was cool seeing the halls no where near crowded how a school should be instead of over crowded like a mouse hang out spot. AD was pretty sweet. We talked about some weird people of the literature in AD books. I spent most of the time in Mrs. Young's class in the gym helping out Coach Carter. We vacuumed and we sorted out her office and some STD pamphlets for her wellness class. We made a pretty cool song to go along with it,
Syphilis, Gonoria, and Aids will leave you itching like a monkay!
It is supposed to keep people from premarital sex.

Third block was very interesting. I talked to Robert and Tanisha through much of the first part. The other girls decided after they brought Radio in to play the infamous game "Never have I Ever". I was the only girl that wasn't playing. Robert, nosy about their lives and itching for an embarrassing secret, listened in on their game. There were some wide questions that I did not really need to hear and answers that I did not want to her either. As I sat there I thought, " Why do guys go for girls that are wrapped up into promiscuity when they should go for girls that are wrapped in Christ?" "Why do people in general go for those that are wrapped in promiscuity when they should go for the one who is wrapped in Christ. Vaguely, I knew the answer to this staggering hurtful question. Tyler had told me that he was surprised that I didn't give in to the peer pressure even though he knows the type of person I am, a Christian. What a privilege to be called a Christian. I sat their until lunch and then talked to Tyler until the class was done.

In English 3 honors we presented our islands. Travis, of course, was no esta aqui. He was going to suffer for that because we have a placement test for AD this week and he doesn't know the material. Tyler and Amanda got a little closer. He should be really careful. He keeps saying how much he loves Megan but I try to tell him just because you say you love some one a million times it doesn't mean that you actually do that much, that really and truthfully tell how much you love some one and that you are going to be together forever after only 5 months and at the age that we are at, and to be careful without actually saying it. Time will reveal. Love is not just in speaking but also in actions.

You don't need to rush a thing and be content in the timing that GOD has for your life. Everything will happen in its season. God has purposed everything for a specific season. Your time will come. Those that wait upon the Lord, He said your strength will be renewed.

It's good to wait. Waiting for maturing brings maturity. Rushing everything only shows how immature you really are. Wisdom says wait but foolishness says go with the flow even when the flow is flowing in the wrong direction, hell. Go against the grain sometimes. Do something that hurts your flesh. Love a little harder, forgive.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

What a Saturday

Last night I had the most frightening dream ever. I can not utter the words. This week, I didn't get much sleep because of the basketball all around, so last night's sleep was much needed for Felicia Inc. I was supposed to go to the gym but that didn't happen. I must go tomorrow! I really hope soccer starts next week. I need to get back in the swing of things.

Jerryd Bayless Blogg

One thing that was awe sticking to me today was Jerryd Bayless's blog. His blog is very well written. I know some will probably disagree but it is better than GA's blog. The stories actually have meaning and they make you think. I can top him though. He uses his life's experiences and turns them as learning experiences for his life. That's what my blog does too.

It has been a little more than a year, but I finally finished Love endures Part 2

Love your neighbor as yourself is the greatest commandment because. When we love others we do not hurt then premeditatedly. We give love even when they don't give love back. Love is patient. It waits for the right time. It loves even in the loveless times. In Romans 13:, Paul tells us the greatest commandment , "Love your neighbor as yourself.” When loving is hard will you be able to love. Even when wronged, we should still remember those words, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” In this commandment is all of the other commandments. If you wronged some one, you would want that person to forgive you and move on and for get it. However, so many time people say “I can never forgive him/her. True love is unconditional. When we understand Christ’s love, we can truly understand how to love others. In this situation, we must remember Christ and how He loved us even when we were at enmity with Him. Luke 6:28 tell us to pray for those who do us wrong (Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.) If that isn’t love, tell me what is. Real love is relentless as Christ was relentless in saving the world! Love is forgiveness. True forgiveness is not keeping what that person did in the back of your mind. It is letting it go. It loves even those who don’t get it. It loves when it hurts sometimes. It loves in spite of. It loves even it is being wronged or accused wrongfully. When we love others, people can see Christ’s love shine through us. It is HIS love that makes us want to be better people. If those who wrong you see your love they will strive for the same. Let God handle those who have wronged you. He’ll love them until the hell comes out of them.

This particular one has a life experience of my own. Yesterday, I had to learn that it is not about what people think but only what GOD knows. GOD will never accuse me wrongfully and he know the Truth. I had to forgive some on about a month ago even though it was super hard. I even though I said I forgave him I didn't really 100% forgive him at that moment. Eventually, I had to realize that all of us make mistakes and that is one that he made. I can't let people walk over me like I am a rug in the middle of a crowded hall way, however, I must forgive because that is what Christ did for me. I must forgive. To be Christ like we must forgive. When we forgive, we allow people to see the Christ shining through us . By forgiving we love those who use us wrongfully. We must pray for those who despitefully use us. It is hard though at some times but Christ loved us even when it was hard. HE died and rose for us. When we love, we let GOD handle our situation. We should pray for them because they need a Savior just like we did and now have. That is real love, love personified.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

North Side vs Liberty Game of the Year?

Yesterday, the supposed most bitter rivalry and best game of the included to Jackson. These players are separated by mere fence and driveways and they play this one match up every year. The girls started it off with a half time score of 22-25 in favor of Liberty Tech. The girls seemed a little exhausted and way too quiet as the game seemed to go all too slowly at time. I sat there just feet away from where I was lasted year. I was shaking. It was hard to tell why- the weather or the nervousness. I told myself and my sister that it would be weird seeing Coach P coaching from this distance. I knew I made the right decision though. It was hard explaining to people especially those that do not care. It was more than just the too long late night over extended practices and the in continuity among the older players of the bunch. It was a combination of thing that made my emotions sublime. It was my unwillingness to deal with his unwillingness just one more year. It was more than just that too. Failure and even so much more than that. Why it was a multitude of thoughts that were astoundingly confirmed by one single notion. College. How will I pay for it. So as I sat there, I could see every bit of selfishness, in continuity, and mishaps now from a far. I lost a little bit of my still think hunger to play. Coach Hook looked a little out of place beside those girls. Basketball really is not his thing but he is a coach a great coach. He personifies the simple definitions of a coach but with that he gets the job done. He cares for his players. I could see that as he talked to Jaz at lunch today. Everything he had Coach P lacked . I got there at the second half. Th first quarter swung to North Side as those same old mistakes were played by the team as so many nights before. The game slipped away like a rope in their hands and it seemed almost willingly to some players.

The boys were the surprise of the evening. Florida bound Casey Prather started with no surprise and as always it was TJ that guarded him. He was determined from the first three he hit to every play he had defensively. He was ready . It was disappointing all the same though.

To be continued