Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chicago, IOC, and gang violence: What’s the relation?

I did a report on the Olympics 2016. 4 cities , Chicago, Rio de Janeiro, Madrid, and Tokyo , are currently competing for the hosting spot. A lot of controversy has settled into the Chicago campaign as this happened...

Fox news rambled over President Obama's support of the Olympics and how they think he is wrong for supporting the Olympics in Chicago(in spite the fact that it will create jobs and boost the economy if Chicago is elected), but the real problem is the Gang violence and how it effects not just the gang member but also the person's best friend, mom, dad, brother, and sister, and overall the community as a whole. This young 16 year old boy was not a gang member but simple helping a friend caught in a gang fight. Let's watch!

Responding to FOX News video

Barak Obama is not the cause of the fight but gang violence is. On going wars over words, territory, bragging rights, and reputation spark murders of teens well in their prime who I do not agree with last portion of what this man said but most of it I do. What is the cause of gang violence? The lack of a father or mother, economic oppression and depression? President Obama can only inspire change. No human being can change the heart of a person so the criticism of the president in this video is an illegitimate argument to the cause of the violence exhibited. Even as I write this today, I can only inspire change or place the thought into some one’s mind to think twice about gangs, drugs, and other crimes. I can not make a person change and no one else can but GOD. We as human have the right to choose to listen to the voice of GOD or not. President Obama’s intention to support the Olympics will not cause more violence.

Why is it that every time something horrible happens, President Obama is blamed? Was this the first action like this? Will it be the last?

So in conclusion, I say to Fox News, President Obama is only one man that can inspire change and he is not the cause for every bad thing in America and it pains me to see that they strive to find ways to criticize him for something that was totally unexpected and that could have happened in Brazil and Spain in. In fact, an incident like this happened in Honduras not to long ago. If this incident that occurred in Chicago happened in Spain, the President will not be blamed. Yes America, let us not worship political leaders. The actions of a small sect of violent people will take the cake not the leaders like Obama who inspire peace. Let us keep GOD first. However, at the same time we must be the America founded upon Christ and pray for the our leaders that they are in sited from GOD and not bash them for things that they have little control over, the hearts of man.

I cried when I saw the video and was angered that a person would stand there and film a fight like that. Everyone in the video except maybe one or two were cheering and facilitating in the fight. I mean it happens all of the time in my generation. People set a date and time to fight and the spectators stand around phones and cameras erect laughing, pointing, ooing, and awing. At school the next day, every has access to the fight that humiliated some one.

It is so sad that people think that violence is acceptable. The teens in this scene thought nothing of death, just entertainment. Seriously, if you want entertainment then watch SportsCenter or the MMA. This is recreation to some to search for fights or even be in them. How can we change the minds of teens? Its starts at the home and can also be drilled in under athletics.

These actions are praise in media that teens and children have access to and adored by the consumers who love it. Why is this behavior praised? Why not run from a fight and call for help instead of watch a gruesome and pointless war between members of the same country. The outside world sees us as brutal in another light. The IOC will take this into account on Friday as they negotiate who should win the hosting. If you asked me, Chicago should be the winner. After all, Americans support the Olympics more than any other nation and the Olympics will raise the economy and possibly public moral.

If you are thinking about joining a gang, think twice. Your actions do not just affect you, but every one you love and care for. You put those who love you in danger every day by joining a gang. The 16-year-old boy was an honors student probably on his way to college and out of the south side of Chicago. He was put in danger after trying to help his friend. Would you let your friend die? By joining gangs, you say an alarming “YES” every day.

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