Sunday, December 26, 2010

Let it snow man let it snow

Filming " Let it snow" on Christmas Day was so much fun. I filmed it with my sister Tina24Chris. The collaboration was a success. I didn't get to do Christmas time is here and other stuff I wanted to but other songs are in the description.

Filming Day was way too much fun. Dad didn't like it though, but Christmas was nice. Iracquel wasn't there but she will be this summer if she is funemployed or if she has a job here.

My next video video will be either "Like A Good Girl" or some more LGT stuff stay posted.

My next vlog well that comes out either today or tomorrow.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey day Run

WHoo that was so fun

Friday, July 9, 2010

LeBron in Clev- I mean Miami

Yesterday, Lebron stunned the Cleveland world by choosing south beach. Tough decision. I watched as New York (on Larry King Live) was upset and said that this was a bad move for the league and all this other stuff. Bitterness.
I felt so bad for Cleveland . In Ohio, you will meet some of the coolest people ever. I don't what it is. Maybe it's the perfect weather or North Mideast land.

to be continued

The Mega Fest

Monday (Cane Creek)
Wow Mega Fest 2010 started off with a bang Monday as classes started around 6:00. Some of the classes include "Can a Girl get Some Respect" and from "Boys to Men". After the classes a brief intermission and change of venue to the Life Center at Cane Creek. Praise Dance to the song "Seasons" by Donald Lawrence by One Dimensional kicked off the festivities. After that the basketball game began. Apostle and his armor bearers and Paul and his possy and others. I started out on Paul's team but quickly changed. Apostle but me in at 4 minutes and instantly, I scored. We started to break away from them. . . (to be continued)

Tuesday Anointed to Conquer (Cane Creek)

Classes again began at 6:00. After the classes, Praise service and then Apostle preached. "Anointed to Conquer". The theme of the Conference is More than Conquerors . It was so relevant to my situation . . .to be continued

Wednesday Day Session (KingDom SeeKeers)

This service started at 9:00 and was going to last until. Each speaker taught on a certain topic and each was also on point. . . to be continued

Thursday Dr. Wilson (KingDom SeeKers )

The message came from Matthew Chapter 6 and Colosians. The gist of it is to set our affections on the things above. Everything else is beneath us as Christians. The lust of the world are beneath us. We must not get tangled in the things of the world.

Friday Dr Wilson (KingDom SeeKers)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


The Lord woke me up at 4:45 spproxmatley . I know it was HIM because my phone had restarted itself so it would have gone off in time. I prayed a thank you prayer .

Getting there.

Christy was serving with us and victoria . Fred was telling me about how I'm a good basketball player and that he was watching me while I played against all boys. I was wondering how I did. He told me I could go some where. He also told me about his career.

I was delighted to see the Sains . I was glad they showed. I love them. Mi familia

I couldn't quite get my praise on because I had to pay attention to the service. I also had on that uniform.


He came from Mark 8 when JESUS fed the 4,000. After that the Apostles an JESUS went on a trip. They only had one loaf of bread. They were worried about what they would eat . JESUS sighed. They forgot what JESUS just previously did. He gave thanks and an increase came.
He talked about giving and not forgetting what GOD has done. Just trust is what I got out of it. Don't listen to other voices out side of the will of GOD and give and it shall be given. When he ran through that scripture, I thought about our garbage can- pressed down , shaken together , and running over.

KingDom SeeKers

Dad preached about winning souls and how we must go about doing this.
3Pc and 3 V's

to be continued

Dad ended his sermon with something he'd heard when he used to get on air planes in his navy days, . . . man I forgot. . .

After service

Genie, Racquel , and I went to DQ to get his ice cream cake. Reece's this time. At home , we re heated the chicken and rice enchiladas and made spinach salad. Yum. While we were eating, we surprised dad with the cake.

This week was the week of the Mega Fest and the week LeBron would make his decision. At this point , Cleveland was still number one in my mind .


After the celebrate I shopped with Genie. I drove everywhere. I know I'll get my licence now .


I was texting ^<. I told him that I had been forever busy this week. He asked me everyday "wats on ur mind" and I would reply several minutes later with


Saturday, July 3, 2010

93 times a lady

This week has been by far the busiest week of the summer for me. It all started with Sunday and only one service.+

Week in review
June 24-July3, 2010

Sunday I enjoyed the service Apostle challenged is to remove what was hindering us. At the alter , the Lord was ministering. He spoke to me. Elder Candace preached at KingDom SeeKers and Apostle was to preach in Brownsville at a Men's conference. At home I wAs working on my song for the BP oil victims when I leaned to much and jablam screws popped out. So genie told me to stay off the computer! Man so my how to videos are again post poned Monday I waited for us to start dance practice. We never got the call

So Monday was pretty chill Tuesday started off early. We started practice with Miss Shenelle. Wednesday We helped Elder Timond with the mega Fest Church was great Thursday We cleaned the church withProphetess and Victoria. Later we dance We prepared the church for the celebrate Friday Friday Celebrate.


93 Times a Lady
The service started. I was a little nervous because I was serving that day. I didn't know what to do. At times, I wanted to break out in a praise but couldn't . Dad was preparing for his sermon on Sunday so Elder McCuller was there.

Apostle opened up the program with scriptures. He read Psalms. It is just right to read Psalms at a Celebrate.

The family was seated and I saw the fruit of her womb and brothers and sisters enter. She was blessed. She is south Jackson really. All of her grandchildren and great grandchildren and great great gran children. I t was beautiful to see. I saw a few familiar faces, like the Sains. I could feel someone surprised to see me and stare at me. I didn't mind though.

Prophetess read the definition of a lady. It personified Mother chandler. Always with her hair in place and dress in place. Just a lady, were some of the words she said. Then she prayed. I was a little worried that her voice was not strong enough . I'm not sure if I prayed or not but while she prayed her voice strengthened. She was on point whether or not some of them liked it.

my service speak for me

Family Address
Mrs Eyes

Mother Mehome

Walk with me Lord

Elder chandler

The son of mother chandler was to preach. This was how she would like it to be. He looked like her. He was her son in every way. I loved every moment. It was crowded with many standing on the walls including some family.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm Not Who I Was

Forgetting the past and straining toward the future and what is ahead

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Whole Again

Okay so yesterday I totally confessed my love for John Legend music. Well the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the spirit behind the music :

Preach Preacher!

I am too, I find my self in the same spot. In love with R&B and the John Stephens sound but my eyes were open to that spirit last night. GOD was showing me how that spirit is so deceptive and it has the form of light( john legend is inspired by Gospel Music) but denies the power there of just like Jude talks about. The spirit is ugly and it is like candy sweet but it rotts your teeth so that you can not eat the Word of GOD and properly digest it . The spirit is ugly and grimy that creeps in when you are most vulnerable. Instead of turning to God's voice, some might turn to their favorite lyric like mine "Refuge, When it is Cold Outside" . I can't allow that spirit to trick me like it has in the past. Instead of giving me life it takes life away from me.

Now this spirit can come in the form of a person. Ladies , some guys operate in this spirit. Don't get switched

But in order for me to get that insite I had to first be in HIS face. The Lord will give you discernment so that you can see things as they really are. I had to first pray to HIM and let all the other chatter of the world cease. Just pause. Pause and listen to the Holy Spirit

I got this in cite after going to church and praying all night to the Father. When you are close to HIM, He gives you insite(like don't marry him, don't date him, don't even talk to him) God knows our weaknesses and our strong points. When we are weak , HE is then strong. We can't continue to feed our sicknesses with candy and sweets. We must cleanse our wounds with the word.

I ask the Lord for help as I continue to brush my spiritual teeth so that I can eat the Word the way He called us to !

Friday, February 5, 2010

Been A Long Time

My first time blogging on Felicia Daily Journal for the new year. I have much catching up to do. One thing I must bring up to date is my love for vintage John Legend music. I don't know what it is but it takes me somewhere else. I shouldn't let something "take me away" no pun intended but when I hear "Coming Home" or "Refuge(When It's Cold Outside) I feel that "everything is everything" ( okay that pun was intended.)
Why do we become so lazy as a culture. I can tell of my laziness. I should definitenly out more into my relationship with the Father. At times I find myself not doing as much as I should. I said it a while ago how long will we keep singing the song "I'm Not Perfect"? How long will continue to say I need to get better at something when we were struggluing with the same thing for 5 years. When will we say I don't need to be getting better but I need to be better. If you know better you should do better. Why is it so hard for us to fight our flesh and get lax everything is going okay. We never need to loose that connection with God. HE needs to always be on my mind more than anything. Then we need to use that and reach out to those who are hurting and not going from one place to the other and never reaching out. We must be in the world but certaintly not of it. The world doesn't worship but we do. The world talks about people but we don't. The world does things on impulse and works without faith and faiths without works. We should never loose our sanctity. We should never be different and not like others.

Today in Ad we took an essay. Or I should say they wrote an essay ! I went in the back and listened to music on Pandora the only site our school lets us listen to music. I was back there with Tyler and Travis the two most laid back people in the world. Ms. Trybel was in there doing a test. She is the new Beta Club sponsor. She seems super cool unlike some teachers.

The Writing Assessment in second block. Yes, I said as I missed Mr. Nye's class again. The prompt was"In wake of the school shootings, should teachers be able to have guns in the classroom?" I did not support the reasoning and I began with a story of a teacher who's gun got stolen by a student and the student then shot everything. It sounded better then that though. I do wish that they would give us our test back after we complete them so we would actually learn something. Anyway, my supporting points were as follows, students could steal the firearms, giving teachers the right to kill, and costs. The cost were things like the training that had to go into the teachers being able to use a firearm, potential law suits if an innocent student were to ever get hurt, and background checks on teachers. Now that I think about it, some teachers need background checks now even with out the fire arms.

The rest of the day was cool saving Mr. Harpole's class. I don't know what it is but I don't really learn anything in the class and especially today.

Mrs. Moeller had the coolest lab ever. We ate candy at the end and we took a quiz about those science guys.

After school I got online and was just checking my email and I found the scholarship just right for me.

Kids send in their art and writing and they could win scholarships! I have so much already man I am so going to do this!!