Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24, 2009

Leadership University
Seeing through New Eyes

"I found Jesus"

I thought about Jesus and the Robin Thicke song where he says "I found Jesus" and was inspired to write. I liked that part of "Lonely World" but I thought no one has an I found Jesus song. When I was writing, I thought of some melodies. I didn't want it to sound like Robin Thicke's but I wanted to keep a smoothe texture to it. When I was writing, I realized, He found me so after the bridge, the chorus says "You found me" Jesus found me. Oh and I was just going on. The beginning of the song or the first verse is about when I first got saved. I didn't know everything ( I found out later in life) or even fully why I should get saved. Mostly to escape condemnation, but the second verse talks about my relationship with Christ in a difficult time in my life. "With tears in my eyes"( I got the notes for the down easily) stands for when the different times I would cry when I first got saved and when I went through the hard time " With tears in my eyes" . This song really speaks about " In solitude I found You" which is when I didn't have friend I had JESUS and still do. Even though I didn't deserve it I had HIM. "With tears in my eyes" and "why" is really two things in this piece. Many people some times ask GOD why and some. I did and I realize pain pushes you to your destiny so no more why's !

"You found me

And you’ll never let me go

You’ll never turn your back on me

You hold me

N e v e r let go of me

I thought I found you LORD


You found me"

This is really off the top of the dome. It does rhyme but it need to be in this piece so it where I will riff and run and show my feelings towards the goodness of Jesus. Its really who JESUS is to me always there. He awesome !

Cutting off the Parasite

Its hard to let go and give up some things you love but are just no good for you like a person or something you love to do. It "appeals to your better nature". Even though it is killing us slowly we, we hold on to it secretly or even sometimes openly expecting a change it the situation. However, some times we must pull the plug on a thing in order for us to be able to live or kill the thing that is killing us. Some times you must cut yourself from people or things that hurt you. It's so subtle. It goes undetected as abuse, but eventually, you'll feel the full bite of the parasite. Just let it go. If it's killing you, cut it off. We want to be friends with everyone and we never ever want to give up on anything, but if it is killing you, let it go. LET IT GO. But it's so hard to let it go. To memories, to ambitions, to people. . . even though they kill us. Why is that? Why is it so complicated. I had to do something like this this week and last week. When you do it, it's not really that hard especially when the parasite almost sucks you completely dry. Sometimes it's just what we need to let the parasite go. What else do I need to cut off? I need to ask that everyday. Every day I wake. Who's first, what's next?

"Gave it up" by J Moss is inspirational. I love the message. The Word of GOD cuts and quickens at the same time. It's like no other. it goes great with "Cutting off the Parasite". Give it up!+

I listened to it three times one for the Father, for the son, and the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. That natural part of you does not want to give up on anything can some times be what hurts you. Be carefl
