Monday, August 31, 2009

New Teach, Teague

Today was all a mini whirl wind. This weekend, I lost my Academic Decathlon material. ( That before I lost my daily planner, my U.S. History honors book and my AD spiral notebook. a week before ) . Tonight, I lost one of my home work assignments in English III Honors. I have never been so careless about things in my life. But its all lessons learned. I really need to just slow down, relax, and pause. Its like that Lisa Mcclendon song for me. "Pause".

Pause by Lisa McClendon.mp3 - Lisa McClendon

If I could just pause. Take a deep breath.

My Ad class was pretty cool. I liked the way Mrs. Guthrie is giving us the information. Second Block, Theatre two was the same, rowdy and rambunctious. Third block is where I found my planner that I have been looking for weeks. Coach Hook was exited today. Maybe its because they have an easy week of Homecoming against JCM. What ever it is he's turning back to his old self-excited and about everything. In the hall way after lunch, a song came on my heart. "Praise Him in Advance". God's about to do something big is all I know.Fourth Block was full of laughs and bedlam. I was amazed that my honors class is so rambunctious (TJ word). While I was sitting down in class, a peace came over me. I was just thinking about how amazing GOD is and how HE forgives us when HE doesn't have to. I was assuredat that moment. We met our new teacher, Mrs. Teague. Mrs. Teague replaced Dr.Mac( see my blog freedom for Liberty "My Take: Changes) . She worked as a paralegal for Corey B. Trotz I believe. (Not sure though.) She changed careers because she felt that she wanted to help young people find theircareers and future. In which I think is awesome and is a gift to teach teens. She was relaxed but not too relaxed, stern but not too stern. During class, she made us fill out things about us called "It’s all about you". She told us to present to the class. She asked the following question:



EC Activates:

Academic Decathlon



School Clubs

Leadership University( Jackson Chamber of Commerce)

Who's your favorite Author and Why.

The Apostle Paul because he related to all Christian at every stage.

Favorite Book Novel, play, ...

"Mercy,Mercy Me" Boyz II Men , "Captivate " Starfield, Bible, andPhilippians 3:12-2

What will you do when you graduate from Liberty

Attend Belmont, major in Journalism and Political science then Law school…

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself in a successful profession as a sports agent, journalist, lawyer, politician, and still going through school.

It was fun sharing and hearing every one's different reactions to the questions.I was amazed that so many people want to be lawyers.I didn't think that many would. There were only two aspiring teachers in bunch which was some what surprising but not entirely. Soccer practice came too fast. I was not in the mood to play soccer but once I strapped on those cleats, it I had to play. We started out with a lap and a half. No one ever runs with me. I always leave a huge gap in between every one. I wish some one would run with me so I can be challenged. I couldn't help but think about basketball and how I need to go to the gym. It’s hard though because of the strenuous homework and soccer practice. But still I'm learning to relax. I haven't gotten there yet but I am working to get there. To where relejarse is my address and tranquilo is my residence. But then I remember I am not alone and I must find peace in JESUS, The Prince of Peace.

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