Monday, August 31, 2009

New Teach, Teague

Today was all a mini whirl wind. This weekend, I lost my Academic Decathlon material. ( That before I lost my daily planner, my U.S. History honors book and my AD spiral notebook. a week before ) . Tonight, I lost one of my home work assignments in English III Honors. I have never been so careless about things in my life. But its all lessons learned. I really need to just slow down, relax, and pause. Its like that Lisa Mcclendon song for me. "Pause".

Pause by Lisa McClendon.mp3 - Lisa McClendon

If I could just pause. Take a deep breath.

My Ad class was pretty cool. I liked the way Mrs. Guthrie is giving us the information. Second Block, Theatre two was the same, rowdy and rambunctious. Third block is where I found my planner that I have been looking for weeks. Coach Hook was exited today. Maybe its because they have an easy week of Homecoming against JCM. What ever it is he's turning back to his old self-excited and about everything. In the hall way after lunch, a song came on my heart. "Praise Him in Advance". God's about to do something big is all I know.Fourth Block was full of laughs and bedlam. I was amazed that my honors class is so rambunctious (TJ word). While I was sitting down in class, a peace came over me. I was just thinking about how amazing GOD is and how HE forgives us when HE doesn't have to. I was assuredat that moment. We met our new teacher, Mrs. Teague. Mrs. Teague replaced Dr.Mac( see my blog freedom for Liberty "My Take: Changes) . She worked as a paralegal for Corey B. Trotz I believe. (Not sure though.) She changed careers because she felt that she wanted to help young people find theircareers and future. In which I think is awesome and is a gift to teach teens. She was relaxed but not too relaxed, stern but not too stern. During class, she made us fill out things about us called "It’s all about you". She told us to present to the class. She asked the following question:



EC Activates:

Academic Decathlon



School Clubs

Leadership University( Jackson Chamber of Commerce)

Who's your favorite Author and Why.

The Apostle Paul because he related to all Christian at every stage.

Favorite Book Novel, play, ...

"Mercy,Mercy Me" Boyz II Men , "Captivate " Starfield, Bible, andPhilippians 3:12-2

What will you do when you graduate from Liberty

Attend Belmont, major in Journalism and Political science then Law school…

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself in a successful profession as a sports agent, journalist, lawyer, politician, and still going through school.

It was fun sharing and hearing every one's different reactions to the questions.I was amazed that so many people want to be lawyers.I didn't think that many would. There were only two aspiring teachers in bunch which was some what surprising but not entirely. Soccer practice came too fast. I was not in the mood to play soccer but once I strapped on those cleats, it I had to play. We started out with a lap and a half. No one ever runs with me. I always leave a huge gap in between every one. I wish some one would run with me so I can be challenged. I couldn't help but think about basketball and how I need to go to the gym. It’s hard though because of the strenuous homework and soccer practice. But still I'm learning to relax. I haven't gotten there yet but I am working to get there. To where relejarse is my address and tranquilo is my residence. But then I remember I am not alone and I must find peace in JESUS, The Prince of Peace.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Awesome Awesome

Today, the Mighty Men of Valor sang today. It was nothing short of amazing. I loved every moment of the worship. After worship Apostle preached "Identity Theft".

Identity theft

I learned much about myself today. I learned what I already knew. I learned when I allow my self to be overwhelmed in guilt( even after I've repented) I make myself even more subject to the enemy. I already knew ...

Straining Toward the Goal

12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. 13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. 16 Only let us hold true to what we have attained.

17 Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. 18 For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. 20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. Philippians 3:12-20

It took me a while to get that GOD loves me even when I make mistakes. I can't let what happened in the past scar my future. I am learning more and more everyday to live. I used to be afraid and easily frustrated and set of by problem in my life. I am realizing life is not so bad and that GOD has a plan that will be revealed in its perfect time. Though I have regrets, I must strive to forget them and learn lessons in every failed test. I am getting an understanding now. At first I was just getting knowledge from GOD( a whole book full). Now through experience, I have learned to relajarse( to relax oneself in Spanish). I'm calmer now. I let less things work me up. I can see and feel myself maturing. Don't get me wrong I am still learning but I can truly say that I'm better than I was on yesterday. Now, the thing I need to do most is let go and let GOD. It sounds so cliche but it is so true. Just let GOD have my life, my love, my time, my worries, my shame, my sin, my doubt, my pain, my hopelessness, my hopes, my dreams. All. Give it all to HIM. After all, HE died so that I would not have to bear all of these burdens. I'm learning to give up my life for HIS. I can forgive... myself and others. But mostly at this present time myself. I can move on and live freely. Hallelujah!
My sister told me to read Psalms 130 which was so perfect for my condition. The Word is medicine. I was feeling guilt. I was sorry but I didn't move on. This helped me to move on:

1 Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.
2 Lord, hear my voice:
let thine ears be attentive
to the voice of my supplications.
3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities,
O Lord, who shall stand?
4 But there is forgiveness with thee,
that thou mayest be feared.
5 I wait for the LORD,
my soul doth wait,
and in his word do I hope.
6 My soul waiteth for the Lord
more than they that watch for the morning:
I say, more than they that watch for the morning.
7 Let Israel hope in the LORD:
for with the LORD there is mercy,
and with him is plenteous redemption.
8 And he shall redeem Israel
from all his iniquities. Mt. 1.21 · Tit. 2.14

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Leadership University: Leading for A Lifetime

I woke up today, after dreaming the weirdest dream ever. (Well maybe not ever but it was totally weird. It was a good weird.) I was in a bit of a hurry. Dad took me to the Chamber. Yesterday, my sister went back to MTSU so my parents are my main source of transportation. Before she left, she gave me a Starfield CD(in which I am listening to right now,"Spirit draw me to my knees") I listened to it on my way to the Chamber. It sounded different. Maybe it was the bass. Genie's car didn't have any bass it seemed at times and the volume was kind of low. I bothered not to turn it up because Dad was in the car with me and I didn't want him to have a fit over the loud music. I wanted so much to sing "Captivate" in Liberty Idol with someone but I'm way too shy and afraid.
I arrived at the chamber kind of mad but my spirits quickly rose when I was greeted at the door. I signed in and sat in my assigned seat in the back of the room. I was out of my comfort level a little but I was cool. I was on the right of "Megan Cuddihee" and Brittany Reeves. I laughed when I saw this guy at the end of my table who had said something ever so racist at COPE. We began with a word from Mrs. Judy.
Mrs. Renshaw introduced Mrs. Mary Anne Poe. She made us play a game of where she asked us a question and we separated ourselves according to what our answer was. She asked us questions like "if you are the oldest child" or " if you are the youngest child",' If you attend private or public school', and 'If you lived in Jackson your entire life', and 'If you have ever traveled out of the U.S. She also asked who liked chocolate or not'(after I asked who liked ice cream) Cameron asked' if you have ever thought about even once dropping out of High School'. It was very interesting to see who did what and who went where. I thought that the private school kids thought of themselves superior to the public school kids but in my mind I was thinking more CEO and politics and higher people in U.S government come from public schools. We are more well rounded and have a larger perspective than the private school kids. The learning environment is different also. We have to learn a lot on our own with out much "hands teacher help" and in less time.
Mrs. Poe then went on to say that she could have gone more specific like who has ever tried drugs or not. I could just feel the sceptics in the air . She then made us play a game called Queen Anne which is a word game. It was very thought provoking. Then we played a game where Mrs. Poe gave us our own card and told us not to look at it. We were then instructed to put the card on our for head. She told us to treat people by the card on their head( Ace being the lowest , King being the highest). I shook the hands of those who were 8's on up and gave them much appreciation. Some people took it too literally. Someone called me middle class. She then asked us to arrange ourselves by what numbers we think we are. I didn't think I was high up so I went for the 7's. One guy was a 5 among the 7's and I asked" People treated you nicely didn't they?"He replied with no.This too was thought provoking.
Next, she showed us a video called "Angry Eyes" with Jane Elliot. Jane Elliot is a human rights activist who's work should live on and transcend time, age, race, countries, and background. Racism is a worldwide problem. The Video can be summed up as powerful. Some remarks after the video was,"do ya'll really feel that way?" ("Ya'll"referring to blacks.) The young girl was asking does this really happen. The answer was a resounding yes. I responded by saying that racism is a learned behavior. It can happen even when you don't realize it. Mrs. Poe said some fancy word I can't remember. I thought of the Tiger Woods lynching incident that happened maybe a year or two ago. All of the blacks in the room could tell of experiences of racism. One kid was saying he didn't feel that way about it was that bad. Others came out and said the same thing.( I stood concrete on how it is is still here) As we examined the thought more, we realized that it indeed is still in America and racism is not eliminated.
As I looked around the room I noticed that their were no Hispanics or Asian. I was thinking then about Haywood and how there were so many more Hispanics in the town. One girl in the class was half Hispanic and was telling how that when she went to Rose Hill, they asked for her parents' green card number. The were other good stories like Dominique( wrong change story at her job)Kai, ( her story about her own experience of people thinking she is incompetent because of her color) Jaszmine,(Miss Rosehill Story and Aunt) and Jade ( Dad's presentation), Cameron( basketball prejudice) Emily( adopted siblings of color).
Other people of other races spoke out also. They told us how they felt about the video. Megan even said that she felt that Kai was one of smartest people that you'll ever meet when you speak to her.
My mind began to widen about a multiple amount of things. Perception, race, dress, and the fuel of all prejudice. The fuel of prejudice is wanting to feel empowered or sovereign. That was it, power. Yes, that defined - it superiority. People want to feel like they are more than someone else so that they feel good about themselves. Whether because of race, intelligence, background, neighborhood, school, clothes. The spark behind bullying, racism, sexism, ageism, is wanting to feel better, more noble, more qualified, more scrupulous, and more religious than another person. We do it every day. We sit by one person or not to another because they are smart or your race or gender. {That's why I got mad the other day when one of my classmate's grandparent thought the solution to school problems is making 8th grade graduation and making a person choose a path for high, whether to attend college in 4 years or not to. 'What if that student changes his or her mind' I thought. That still wouldn't stop a lot of disruptive student from hindering learning(i.e my English III supposed to be honors class)} . We section ourselves by GPA's and color, but what we should do is embrace our differences like the Janet Elliot video suggested. We can learn from all people
At the end, she asked us how we can help eliminate racism. She said by simple speaking against a joke or comment. Cameron said send some of the people from USJ to JCM and Liberty. Others said by exchanging foods and ideas. I said by not excepting a racial joke a comical but as a true problem in the country even if you don't feel that way. Kai said that blacks might pre think that whites are prejudice toward them and in turn be prejudice to the whites. Another girl from Madison people tend to only hang with their race. She suggested that we should venture off into different races and genders. This was very powerful and I could only think about how people were changing or not changing. (There were comments about people "white" or "acting black" after Jaszmine aunt story)
At the lunch break, I still noticed that people were still sectioned off by race even after the talk. I talked to some Caucasians. It was a bit awkward though.

After lunch we were greeted by Sam Mauck. He had us fill out an evaluation form to see what kind of leader we were. The working styles were CE (concrete experience) , RO( Reflective Observant) , AC ( Abstract Conceptinazationl) and AE( Active Experientation). I scored the highest(20) on CE ( RO-18, AC-11, and AE-11)

The different types are a follows:Initiative, Sympathetic, Practical, and Analytical. We had to do the survival experiment next called " Lost at Sea" We were sorted by which type of style we were. I was sympathetic. Mrs Judy said I was a people person. That made me feel less incompetent. He noted that no style was wrong and that we all have some thing to offer. I thought about P Diddy and how he would let some go just because they weren't as out going as others. I thought that if he would just realize the good in each type of person he wouldn't be so quick to send them home. We were sectioned off into groups of six. I was kind of mad. I really liked the people people. Any way I was in group 4. We first did it on our won then we went into it( Jaszmine, Anna, Erin, Emily, ) After that we did it together. I realized that I do observe a lot and that I think before I speak. I was not as practical as others. I still was vocal. We had a lot of vocal people in our group so I could speak over opinions.

He told us what the experts said and also how the different individual styles worked in each group. It was very helpful. I was starting to think about ways this could help me as a leader on the soccer team and become a better player in basketball.
Next he expounded upon the styles. It help me to see which areas I need to improve on( i.e being more active, finishing, being practical, analyzing). It also showed me what I was good at and what I brought to the table. Intuitives were very active and jumped right in, Sympathetic were not as quick to act but thought about a lot of things, Analyticals analyzed more and were thought things through, and practicals practically and are forceful.

The big Finale was organizing a Community center for kids under a budget. We teamed up with our COPE teams. Our group was a bit confrontational but not so much that it was a hinderance. Right a way I started thinking what do we need and what don't we. I began help Megan make decisions along with the others and also cleaning up missed mistakes. I then took charge starting organization of the drawing we did along with Garret and 2 others. Garrett took the design role and we helped.
The other groups presentations were cool but not as cool as ours. We neglected to do a mission statement so Megan thought of one on the fly. Our center was called Victorious. We had a Gym, playground, Library, 2 offices, Rec room, and other accessories. We won the challenge and were awarded candy. My leadership skill started to show the most in this exercise. I saw my sympathetic and a new intuitive side coming in. I observed other people and their styles and I also was active in the experiment. I was certain now that I would be a CEO. I still need to be more practical and analytical about things. I learned that we should look through everyone's eyes even in our homes as Mrs Judy articulated.

At the end she gave us sheets on our next session and community service( group5). We are going to do a mock City Council Meeting . The topic is " Ban cell phone massaging during driving" . I am to against the banning even though I am for it strongly. I began thinking of ways to start. I need to make a plan on how too do this. I am going to ask my AD and Theatre II classes for a poll and ask them why. The mock City Council Members are
D1 Brandon Perry
D2 Jamel Lee
D3 Dominique Bond
D4 Tyler Hines
D5 Hensly Barnes
D6 Jade James-Gist
D7- Will Easley
D8-Chelsea Bell
D9- Jaszmine Farmer

I can't wait. Also we will have some people coming from different occupations who will eat lunch with us and help us find our paths to careers. I was praying for that . GOD is awesome. HE gave me direction just like I asked.

Today I am learning to relax and love life and not let things frustrate me and juist live. Its hard to but I'm getting there one step at a time. With GOD's help I can do anything!